"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
Career Change Journey
Reinvent as a journey provides a career change framework consisting of coaching sessions, exercises and activities, much of which draws on the principles of the Firework Career Change Coaching and the Careershifters Lean Career Change programmes which we are licensed and certified to coach in.
This is an opportunity to be expansive, to dream big, to be creative, to explore, discover and have fun. With an open and curious mind, and a real dedication to put in the work required and make change happen for themselves and their future this journey will provide a truly enriching experience. Tools enable clients to explore different ideas, shortlist ideas, create visions and ​action plans to take a change forward.
Clients need to be prepared to fully commit the time and energy, to be proactive as well as reflective, to take full accountability for and responsibility for the actions and choices they decide to make during and beyond this journey, and to completely embrace change. As with any learning or expansive initiative, clients will get more out of it if they commit to putting more in.
This journey can be customised as a stand alone journey if the client is already sufficiently self-aware and connected to themselves, and are clear about what they want to change, however for those unclear as to what the change is, it is recommended to complete the Reconnect Journey first and then move into the full Reinvent Journey.
This Journey will take you to action planning. Additional sessions or another Journey if offered may be purchased if clients want support beyond action planning to during the change making itself.
This route can be provided as a standalone Journey, or/with one, two or three of the other Journeys - Restore, Reconnect and/or Refresh.